Monday, 11 June 2012

After the Slumber of Half Term...

... It's Go! Go! Go!

I had a wonderful email today offering me a place to conduct my observations. Phew! I guess all that letter writing does pay-off, eventually.  

It's going to be happening in July, which is fantastic because it gives me lots of time to prepare all the questions I may have. (I don't want to bombard the school with questions, obviously, but I do have a report to write at the end of it all). The booklet I was sent names a few reports too, so I'll set about researching them. I waited until I had a place confirmed before researching because I was fairly sure I'd forget everything I read between reading and getting into a school.

I am so excited to be going back into school in a 'teacher' role- even if it is just observing. I don't want be a distraction at the back of the class, so I'll offer to help wherever I can. I figure it'll help the children to relax around me too. You should see my grin right now. I'm so happy! What a fantastic start to the week.

In book related news: The Fault In Our Stars has been read. It's beautiful. So well written. Hilarious in parts, absolutely devastating in others. I did cry. I recommend it to everyone- not just teenagers- to read. It was a welcome read after Naked too.

As with before, I'll post from my Goodreads review:

The book tells the story of Hazel, her family and the people she meets at her cancer support group: mainly Isaac and Augustus. It's based in Indianapolis, but travels to Amsterdam to meet Hazel's idol, author Peter Van Houten.

It's the first time I've read John Green, and I was not disappointed. His writing style is perfect: his characterisation is subtle, his descriptions are enough without being overpowering. I'm impressed at his choice of having a teenage girl as the narrator. He captures a female teenage voice so well

(There is some more to the review, but I've already said it in this post).

It really is a wonderful book.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Review: Kevin Brooks- Naked

So, I’ve finally finished Naked.  Gosh, it was a bit of a challenge. But, I think my age and the fact that I’ve been studying English Literature for so long that I am now programmed to analyse every detail of a novel are factors that have worked against me in this instance.

I posted a review to my Goodreads page, so I’ll share it here too
Naked is the story of Lilibet (Lili) Garcia, and her coming of age during the beginnings of the Punk scene in London. Lili- the classical pianist- falls for sexy cool-kid Curtis, and is invited to play bass in his band, Naked. What follows is the progression of the band and its members, all told from Lili's point of view.

I really struggled to get into this book, and was distracted throughout by issues such as the reliability of the narrator: at times the narration sounded phoney, and I found it difficult to believe that she could remember such details from 34 years ago.

Some elements of the storyline seemed a bit far-fetched and the ending a bit rushed and convenient. There was a very strong sense of the author tying up the loose ends, rather than bringing the book to its natural end. It just felt forced.

There were moments when the writing was effective, really drawing me into the storyline, but they were few and far between.

Not being alive at the start of the punk scene, I can only experience it through Brooks' description which created a believable enough, if repetitive, picture of that environment. The constant name dropping, however, began to get annoying. I could totally understand it, had Curtis been the narrator, but telling the story from Lili's perspective didn't sit well with me. Curtis is the one with the dreams and the desire to make the contacts and know all the movers and shakers of the industry, not Lili.

The involvement of William was an interesting development in the story, and I think some of the interactions between Lili and William, and Lili and William's family are the highlights of the book. Although, at times, I think Brooks was trying too hard to include far too many of the issues: social, political, of the 1970s. Perhaps he should've just focussed on the punk movement.

On a plus side, I think the characters that Brooks does choose to develop are given interesting and maintained traits and personalities.

This book was recommended to me as an example of gritty, teenage fiction. I think if you are a teenager, especially one who's interested in the punk scene, then this book will be right up your street. Or, if you're a teenager looking for something a bit different: a bit of old-school, teenage rebelliousness, then you'll also enjoy it.


So there we have it. I’m pleased I’ve finally made it to the end, and I think I would recommend it to a teenager, but I can’t see me volunteering to read much more of Kevin Brooks’ work. Next up is John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars, which I’m very excited to read.

I think, at the moment, this blog is becoming a bit of a book review blog, but it is all related to the PGCE- this is preparation, afterall.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Half Term

I was going to use this post to write about Kevin Brooks’ Naked but I just haven’t finished it. In fact, it’s going quite slowly. I’m determined to stick with it though. Maybe the next post will discuss it some more.

Instead: JUBILEE!!

This is the last half-term for a long time where I’m going to truly appreciate having no pressing deadlines. No essays due in, no exams, and  I’ve filled out all the forms that I’ve been sent. Really this week all I can do, in terms of preparation, is read and research.

So alongside this reading, I indulged in some hobbies (all in the spirit of the Jubilee)

This is my jubilee contribution

It may not look beautiful (my piping skill leave much to be desired), but it was delicious! This is the first time I’ve ever made Chantilly Cream. I cannot believe I’d made it into my twenties without having made Chantilly Cream. It is godly!

Aside from that I’ve been acquiring books:  The Tiger’s Wife (Tea Obreht) is on order, after it just kept popping up in everything I read; and The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) is due to arrive today. I heard that this book is beautifully written, dealing with a tough topic; hilarious and heartbreaking. Everything I’ve read about it has been positive. Of course I want to read it. Plus, it’s teenage fiction. My interest in life has now become teenage fiction!

I think I’ve also overcome whatever the issue was that I had with Classics. I would start them and just get bored. I could never really get into the story, no matter how great the writing. Earlier this year, I decided to bite the bullet and read Northanger Abbey. I surprised myself by not only finishing the book, but actually enjoying it. So, this week, I have started Pride and Prejudice, and it’s going well.

Finally, a quick thank you to all the people who have suggested books or authors to me. I’ve taken on board all the suggestions- the result of which is a large booklist and an even bigger Amazon wish list. I am genuinely looking forward to reading them.