Saturday, 27 April 2013


This week has been a mess and, unfortunately, it's set to continue. However, it has revealed that my new university mentor is fantastic. So, I've decided to leave my issues in his capable hands for the weekend and focus on what I need to do to be the best I can be.

I had my first formal observation at this school on Friday. Last lesson. Year 7. I requested that the focus be behaviour management. I have no strategies in place for this class, except running through the rules at the beginning of the lesson and insisted on silence (they're a chatty class) so I wasn't expecting a high grade. But this is precisely the reason I asked for that to be the focus.

I didn't get a high grade, but I did get excellent feedback with so many tips. I've connected well with this class. They're keen to please me, so I feel quite confident in attempting a range of these strategies with them. My favourite tip is teaching from the back of the class, then sneaking up on the children who are talking, or turning around or clicking their pens. I can be a sneaky teacher I'm sure. This weekend I'll be buying a clicker so I don't need to be near the computer to change the slide.

Behaviour management was something I developed quite a bit in my first placement. However, the kids at this school are very very different, with very different needs so at least I have a long-term focus to achieve with all of my classes.

I was quite pleased when my observer did mention the content of the lesson, and that it was great and the kids loved it and responded well. So, at least I'm doing something right.

Now to write an assignment, send some job applications and plan some lessons. Roll on the long weekend!

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