Friday 1 March 2013

The Next Phase

Well, what a week this has been.

Monday we cracked on with our assignment work, after a talk from a local Head teacher about interviews. Monday afternoon I did a trial run to my TP2 school.

Tuesday, we created lessons to deliver at the English Language Workshop in two weeks.

Wednesday was my birthday. I took cake to uni. We had a drink at lunch. I went home and wished I was surrounded by friends. Then- being a whole year older- I had a nap.

Thursday was the start of TP2. I had developed some kind of idea of what the school would be like,  based on wandering around the local area, its website and word of mouth. I'm getting a surprise. Going into the details on this blog would be unprofessional, but it's safe to say that the school is not what I thought it'd be. Saying that, the staff are lovely and the kids (from the minimal interaction I've had with them over the last two days) are very helpful.

While I'm looking forward to going back next Thursday, and to the challenges which my new timetable will throw at me, and I know I have to give this school a fair chance; I do find myself missing my first placement school. This is strange to me because whilst there, I felt that I didn't quite fit. It could be that I'm just feeling like a fish out of water because TP2 is so different from TP1, so I'll give it some time; but I do really miss TP1- it's staff and pupils.