Thursday 27 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Survived the first half of the placement.

Having a lovely Christmas break. We finished on 21st December, and I was well and truly ready for a break.

I've done no work since then.

Tomorrow work on the essay and the lesson planning begins.

My first formal observation by my mentor from the University is on the first Tuesday back.

Normal service shall resume on this blog once the essay is finished and submitted (also the first Tuesday back).

I've switched off my alarm for the holidays and I'm finding it terribly easy to stay in bed for ages.

Only five weeks left in this placement school. Mixed feelings about that. I feel as though I'm learning, and I get along well with the department, but I'm also really looking forward to seeing how a different school works.

I shan't think on that for now. It is the Christmas break.

Merry Christmas all.

Friday 7 December 2012

Pants and more Pants

This has been a bad week in terms of professional relationships.

Obviously I won't go into too much detail on this public blog. In brief: a misunderstanding between Person X and myself has been blown out of proportion and now I feel incredibly awkward in the department.

Thank goodness I have a mentor and an ITT co-ordinator in school to reassure me that I haven't done anything wrong.

Still, I feel rubbish and unwanted by Person X - who has acted unprofessionally towards me, and who believes I'm at fault, but refuses to discuss things.

Seriously questioning my placement, which is a shame because I love the other members of staff.

At least this week's teaching hasn't been a complete disaster.

Hopefully next week will be better- although part of me is dreading going into school, which makes me even more sad.

Top Tips:

  1. Use your mentor for support, if you can. That's what s/he is there for.
  2. Regardless of the situation, remain professional and civil. That way you've done everything you can.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Back to School

I've completed one full week in school and now it's December and freezing! Where did November go?

It's been a mixed week.

Good points: Delivered some starters which weren't complete disasters. I have things to evaluate and have begun identifying (and working on) my biggest weaknesses.
I planned a 'sketch' (it's slightly more detailed than a medium-term plan, but not to the extent of actual lesson plans) of what I want to do with y7 when I take them. Their host teacher seems impressed with my ideas. I feel more like a part of the department now- being there everyday helps.

Grumbles: Haven't begun my next essay, which is due early January. I only have a couple of lessons that I'm teaching with Y9 before xmas. I hope I'm not going to be at a loss for when I move to the second placement. Hopefully I'll get more after xmas. The y9 host teacher is lovely so I don't feel awkward approaching her to request stuff.

Still quite surprised by how little time we have on-placement.

My first 'profile review' is in two weeks- eek!

Pretty much finished my xmas shopping this weekend! WOW! So prepared.

And now to plan starters on paragraphs and apostrophes...