Friday 7 December 2012

Pants and more Pants

This has been a bad week in terms of professional relationships.

Obviously I won't go into too much detail on this public blog. In brief: a misunderstanding between Person X and myself has been blown out of proportion and now I feel incredibly awkward in the department.

Thank goodness I have a mentor and an ITT co-ordinator in school to reassure me that I haven't done anything wrong.

Still, I feel rubbish and unwanted by Person X - who has acted unprofessionally towards me, and who believes I'm at fault, but refuses to discuss things.

Seriously questioning my placement, which is a shame because I love the other members of staff.

At least this week's teaching hasn't been a complete disaster.

Hopefully next week will be better- although part of me is dreading going into school, which makes me even more sad.

Top Tips:

  1. Use your mentor for support, if you can. That's what s/he is there for.
  2. Regardless of the situation, remain professional and civil. That way you've done everything you can.

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